>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scripts Gallery

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10.0 KB
Features the whole admin part. Sends a mail to you and a confirmation mail with a password and username to the client. The client may upload a picture and he can change his profile by logging in with his password. DB - Dropfile included.
8.7 KB
Includes the admin - part and the DB - Dropfile. Features a simple searchengine and a "moderator mode". Write *mod* followed by your name in the username- field to get the moderator mode.
6.9 KB
You have to personalize it as you need. Products managed by categories. Features a shopping basket without cookies. Sends a mail to you and to the customer. Includes the admin - part and the DB - Dropfile
4.5 KB
This script publisches dates and deadlines with links. Admin - Part and DB -Dropfile included.
5.7 KB
This script includes an admin part, where you can upload some textfields and a jpeg picture. Another script reads that whole thing and formats it into a table. You have to format that table and change the fields as you need.